During June 2012, volunteers of Seemant Welfare Association, Delhi (SWAD) have organized a free Medical Camps at Dronagiri & Farkiya villages which are at the heights of 13000 & 11000 feet respectively from the sea level. The mission team assembled & started from Joshimath as per program on 20th Jun'2012 & completed its mission by 28th Jun'2012. The team covered almost Nine villages i.e. Ruing, Garpak, Kaga, Dronagiri, Juma, Farkiyagaon, Bampa, Niti & Gamshali, covering more than 450-500 patients which has established a record.
The medical camp was supported financially by the members of SWAD and other Rongpas from other part of India for Medicines and other needs for this tour. The great heal was from Mr. Prem Singh Pal who has arranged sufficient number of Eye Drops required for Eye Patients.
The team members were as below:
- Mr. K.S. Kunwar
- Dr. Dayal Singh Burfal
- Mr. K.S. Rawat
- Mrs. Padma Kunwar w/o Mr. K.S. Kunwar
- Mrs. Malti Rawat w/o Mr. L.S. Rawat
- Mrs. Padmini Rana w/o Mr. K.S. Rana
- Mrs. Bina Kunwar w/o Sri Dalip Singh Kunwar (joined camp at Dronagiri)
- Mr. Bakhtawar Singh Rawat (joined camp at Farkiya)
The team held camps at Ruing & Kaga villages on 20th Jun'2012, Dronagiri on 21st Jun'2012 and 23rd at Farkiya villages. Later on the team also held camps at Niti & Gamshali villages on 25th & 28th Jun'2012 respectively due to availability of sufficient medicines & public demand.

The Medical Camp provided normal Checkups, BP, Sugar Test and medicines to all the patients. The teams were provided all the logistic & Boarding Lodging support by the village gramsabha. The team had only one Doctor i.e. Dr. D. S. Burfal who had to over stretch throughout & was the backboon of our team. And the ladies in the team were active throughout the camps to support Dr. Burfal.
Medical assistance was also provided to the members of tracking teams from West Bangal & ONGC.